Kelly Paper is pleased to announce the addition of Sterling® Premium Digital™! Sterling Premium Digital is a sustainable lineup guaranteed on all Offset, Dry Toner & HP Indigo digital equipment.

Designers, marketers, and corporate end users get a sustainable, brand-building sheet that delivers worry-free consistency. Printers get a superior substrate to showcase their work combined with the runnability they’ve come to expect from Kelly Paper. Above all, Sterling Premium Digital offers these attributes at a budget-friendly price.

Sterling Premium comes in gloss and silk finishes in the parent and cut sheet sizes that you need. In addition, Sterling Premium offers a broad spectrum of weights for an even larger range of applications. Sterling Digital offers the industry’s broadest range of basis weights—80 lb. text through 120 lb. cover, including 7 pt. and 9 pt. caliper guaranteed products to meet USPS direct mail requirements. Furthermore, Sterling Premium is made in the U.S.A.!

Kelly Paper supports responsibly managed forests. Therefore, Sterling Premium Digital is manufactured with 10% post-consumer waste (PCW) recycled fiber and is sustainably sourced with FSC, SFI, and PEFC seals of approval. The addition of Sterling Digital underscores our commitment to sourcing sustainable and circular products for our customers.

Kelly Paper is now a full line merchant of Verso digital coated papers with the addition of Sterling Premium Digital. The full offering includes Blazer® Digital, Sterling Premium Digital & Futura® Digital.

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